Địa chỉ: Số 7/2F8, đường Trương Thi Như, Ấp 3, Xã Xuân Thới Sơn, Huyện Hóc Môn, TPHCM

Số điện thoại: 0903 700 720

Địa chỉ email: ausyscnc@gmail.com

Manage DNC One NET Network by Smartphone - Tablet

Đăng lúc . Category: Bộ truyền DNC One NET

In addition to the management of the transmission network to the DNC One NET through the computer, the user can also monitoring the DNC network  through Smartphone/Tablet. This add-on makes the interaction with the DNC stations very fast and maneuverable. Instead of sitting on the computer to intervene, operators can use a Smartphone right at the CNC machine to copy/delete/edit/create new NC program.

Network management application is a free download at CH Play (Android phone) or the App Store (iOS device).

After installation, create a station connected to the DNC One NET.


Then appeared a access point to the internal memory of DNC One NET:


Users can rename this folder to easily manage DNC network with multiple CNC machines:


Work with internal memory of DNC One NET.

-       Point to the folder to view files inside internal memory:


-       Bộ nhớ nội của DNC One NET lên đến hơn 4Gb, cho phép tạo File mới, Copy, Delete và Edit trực tiếp trên Smartphone.


-       Internal memory of DNC One NET up to more than 4Gb, allows creating New files, Copy, Delete, and Edit directly on the smartphone.



-       The NC files is copied directly to the phone or sent to email, after downloaded to your phone can be copy to the internal memory of DNC One NET then carry out the processing:


-       Additionally, the NC files can be uploaded to the cloud data storage such as DropBox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive, etc, then be copied directly to the internal memory of DNC One NET.


Similarly, by phone, the user can manage all the DNC One NET stations in the network:



 Copyright articles and images belong to AUSYS | Automatic Systems




Bản quyền thuộc về AUSYS.VN | Automatic Systems

Địa chỉ: Số 51, đường Ao Đôi, P. Bình Trị Đông A, Q. Bình Tân, TPHCM

Số điện thoại: 0903 700 720

Địa chỉ email: ausyscnc@gmail.com

Website: www.ausys.vn , www.maycncvietnam.com , www.dncdripfeed.com

bo truyen dnc , truyen dnc , dnc drip feed , cnc drip feed , dnc one

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